Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4
Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4

apple final cut pro x 10.1.4
  1. Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4 update#
  2. Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4 full#

This would save time from creating a Library from scratch, especially complex Librar ies that you reuse on a regular basis. You could save multiple templates for different Library needs. The template would recreate Smart collections, Events, managed or external preference, media folder structure, etc. You would be prompted for a location and a name, which would telegraph through to the template Events. Including keyboard shortcuts and timeline buttons to switch to a different set of keyboard shortcuts and linking keyboard shortcuts with window layouts (Alex 4D).Ġ3) Save a Library as a Template and be able to select a Library Template from a M a ster T emplate Chooser. For example, allow us to create a new Library and Event and set media storage locations/options in the Import Media dialog window. There should be more flexible media management options in the Import Media window. I also prefer that FCPX doesn't delete any of my media on its own.

apple final cut pro x 10.1.4

I reuse my YouTube encoded files often and I prefer not to have to make a new one each time. YouTube encoded files are not readily accessible. I'd also like a few quality options when making proxy files.Īnother example of media management that needs improvement is when sharing a YouTube video, the encoded file is deleted even if it is stored externally. A pop-up warning would let you know if you are using any proxy files in the timeline when you are Exporting. I'd like the option to work with 4K proxies, which are 1920x1080, along with1920x1080 original or op timized media, in the same timeline. Right now, it's an all or nothing approach when working with proxies. There also should be an improved proxy workflow that includes an option or pop-up reminder to bring audio files and graphic files along with proxy files when you want to work with proxies. A checkbox option or pop-up reminder to include Motion Templates should be included when sharing, copying or moving a Library. That's hardly a modern method of media management. You have to remember and then copy the current Motion Templates manually. Easier, better documented Library sharing for collaborating and long distance editors would be welcome.Īnother example is that Motion Templates are left behind when doing media management, Library or project sharing. The current system can still use further improvement and ease of use and I'd like to see that in this next update. The way we store and manage our media and databases has changed three times over the last 12 months.

apple final cut pro x 10.1.4

It's a bit odd that Apple's flagship pro video app has not been updated for Yosemite when most of th eir other apps have.Ġ1) Besides a Yosemite workover, further Library sharing, collaboration and media management refinement.

Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4 update#

We should soon see the next Final Cut Pro feature update along with possibly a Logic Pro X update, a Motion update and an updated Mac Pro. This is not a Final Cut Pro X feature request list or a wish list (that's here), but rather a list of features I expect to see included in the next FCPX update, 10.1.4. The last FCPX feature update was around 156 days ago. That make me suspicious that a feature update is due soon. It's been very quiet on the Final Cut Pro X front over the last 4 - 5 months. See About That Final Cut Pro X 10.1.4 Update Here's hoping we soon get the update that includes features that many have been requesting for quite awhile.

Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4 full#

So that's two minor FCPX updates in a row and 162 days since the last full feature update.

apple final cut pro x 10.1.4

The Pro Video Format version 2.0 update is the update that includes MFX support. It is not the feature update that many were expecting but has some performance enhancements and bug fixes. F inal Cut Pro X 10.1.4 came out on D ecember 2nd, the day after I posted this article.

Apple final cut pro x 10.1.4